The present paper aims to study the personality and inclination of the translator when he/she is processing a "perspective transfer", to analyze how a translator recreates the narrative world of the original work, and to scrutinize the translated work to determine the translator's style as well as the imprints left on the translation by the translator. "Perspective" in this paper refers to the perspective of the narrator in terms of narrative theory: the perspective from which the narrator observes the whole situation and tells a story. In other words: Who is giving us the plot? From what vantage point, angle, perspective is he/she doing the narrating? I will be taking for the object of this study The Sound of Waves (潮騒Shiosai), a novel by the Japanese author Yukio Mishima which was translated into Chinese by Liu Mu-sha, Lin Shao-hua, and Tang Yue-mei. What I propose to do is to determine whether the translated novel has a definite "translational style." I will especially try to see if the translator has any preferred narrative perspectives, and whether or not the translator observes or perceives the world through the perspective of certain characters. There are two specific Chinese linguistic markers that I will focus on in this study: the first is the third-person pronoun; the second is the reflexive pronoun. I intend to use quantitative research methods from corpus linguistics as a starting point. In conjunction with this, I will use the qualitative method of narrative perspective analysis combined with the concept of "construal" from cognitive linguistics. These tools will be used to determine the function and effect of the Chinese third-person and reflexive pronouns when a change of perspective is involved; by using the form of the language, I will look for clues as to how the translator enters a certain perspective, and thereby decode the translator's particular style.
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