This study provides some insights into glocalization via language variations found in the fan-subbed Chinese translation of the online video series The Annoying Orange. Variations are displayed by means of written symbols and result from contact with local as well as foreign languages, and from adjustments due to translation. Both regulated and unregulated uses of language are found in our corpus texts. The transliteration of the target language, namely Chinese, varies greatly depending on the background of the translators, who have some knowledge of Taiwan Mandarin and other Sinitic languages as well as of English. The variations can be attributed to the flexibility cyberspace offers to these amateur translators, which helps create the hybridity of their work that demonstrates the effects of both localization and globalization. The accumulated knowledge of the translator, the socio-cultural context, and the synchronic figures of carnivalization within cyberspace bring about a highly complex relationship between and among the text, the translator and the reader. This may sometimes lead to the untranslatability of the transliteration, especially in the case of wordplay and the cultural references in the Chinese texts. It is claimed that the Chinese translation of this English video series displays both linguistic and cultural glocalization.
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