


Intersemiotic Translation Teaching in a University Context: The Digital Bilingual Tale




黃慧玉(Huei-yu Huang)


童話翻譯 ; 符際翻譯 ; 多模態翻譯 ; 翻譯教學 ; 法語教學 ; tale translation ; intersemiotic translation ; multimodal translation ; didactics of translation ; didactics of French as a foreign language




16卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


1 - 25




隨著多媒體時代的來臨,圖像符號日益普及於多模態文本(multimodal texts)之中,尤其在童話翻譯領域,譯文不僅須忠於作者意圖、符合兒童的閱讀習慣,亦須搭配書中圖像符號,以便共構意義。有鑑於此,筆者於某法文系法翻中課堂上,以「法漢雙語童話電子書製作」為學期教學計畫,帶領學員使用Book Creator製作電子書,以期增進學員圖文並重的詮釋與表達能力。課間,學員們以小組為單位,各組員分段翻譯法語童話《枯枝》(La Branche Morte)(Nille, 2010),並階段性互改譯文,以利期末各組員依收集到的修改建議,完稿修訂。期末收集到的五組學員數位童話書,以符際翻譯(Jakobson, 1959)為框架,語內、語際連貫(Reiss & Vermeer, 1984; Vermeer, 1987)為標準,評量學員習得的翻譯能力與須改良的問題點。分析結果顯示,圖像符號在學員童話翻譯中扮演重要的角色,成為與文字相當的訊息共構者。不管是在補足詞語空白、再現故事世界,或是闡明模糊詞意上,皆有所助益。然而,圖像媒介本身的侷限性,亦突顯了語言層面的翻譯技法不容忽視。對此,本文例舉三種關係子句的分句方式(郁馥,1995),針對學員譯作提出修改建議。期望學員在符際翻譯的練習下,對文字與圖畫的不同特性與互動關係,都能有更深刻的理解與掌握,以便整合性地思考多模態文本的翻譯策略。


In the multimedia era, iconic signs have become increasingly widespread in multimodal texts. In the field of tale translation, the translated version of a text should reflect the author's intended meaning, correspond to a child's written comprehension level, and employ iconic signs to construct meaning. Thus, the French-Chinese translation of digital tales project was implemented in a French-Chinese Translation course offered to students in the French Department of a university. The objective of the project was to develop students' multimodal interpretation and expression in the creation of digital bilingual tales through Book Creator. The students worked in groups to complete and subsequently share translations of the French tale "The Dead Branch" (Nille, 2010). The students were able to correct each other's work and incorporate these corrections into their final translations. Five digital tales were collected from the class at the end of the semester and were evaluated as intersemiotic, intralinguistic, and interlinguistic translations (Jakobson, 1959; Reiss & Vermeer, 1984; Vermeer, 1987) to enable identification of the knowledge acquired by and points for improvement for the students. The results indicate that iconic signs play a key role in the translation of tales. Such signs assist in the transmission of the message of a text, filling in semantic gaps, visually representing a fictional world, and clarifying the ambiguity of words. However, because of the limitations of iconic symbols, intralinguistic and interlinguistic translation techniques must also be employed. Therefore, three methods (Yu, 1995) can be used to separate sentences to offer suggestions for correcting students' translations. By practicing intersemiotic translation, students can better understand the properties and relationships of the original and target languages and thereby establish more integral and multimodal translation strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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