Translations collected in anthologies are a form of rewriting and play a key role in developing the conceptualization of source text. Contemporary Chinese Stories (Wang, 1944), which was anthologized and translated by Chi-chen Wang, a May Fourth intellectual, was intended to be conceptualized as modernized literature and, therefore, to lead readers to perceive China to be a modernized nation. Many of the stories included in the anthology focus on alternative aspects of Chinese life; that is, they are realistic short stories intended to present the corruption of Chinese social order. The stories are notably influenced by Western fiction writing, that is, they are presented in the Western style that was considered fashionable at the time. The translator also rewrote the stories to improve the rhetoric, adjust the structuring, and improve upon weak aspects of the author's writing. Although the intention and methods used to create the anthology demonstrated China's literary achievement after the May Fourth Movement and presented China as a nation in pursuit of modernity and reform, the anthology also perpetuated the concept that modern Chinese stories are the products of Western influence and have little intrinsic value.
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