


Study on the UN Intervention in East Timorese Self-Determination Issue: Its Roles and Practices




陳翁平(Weng-Ping Chen)


自決 ; 特別自治提案 ; 5月5日協議 ; 全民諮詢 ; 干預 ; 決議案 ; 聯合國駐東帝汶特派團 ; 民兵 ; 駐東帝汶國際部隊 ; 貝克十三項成功干預準則 ; self-determination ; special autonomy proposal ; 5 May Agreements ; popular consultation ; intervention ; resolution ; UNAMET ; militia ; INTERFET ; Peacekeeping Baker's Dozen




23期(2009 / 03 / 01)


69 - 96




1974年7月政權更迭,葡萄牙承認其殖民地東帝汶擁有自決權利。不久,主張東帝汶獨立派與主張和印尼和併派之間爆發內戰。在葡萄牙撤出東帝汶後,印尼於1975年12月派兵侵入。聯合國安理會隨後通過第384號決議案,再次重申東帝汶的自決權利,並敦促印尼撤軍。自1976年起,聯合國一再要求秘書長與印、葡兩國舉行非正式會談,共圖解決問題之道。1998年8月5日,三方就東帝汶特別自治提案展開磋商,最後於1999年促成簽署了5月5日協議,授權聯合國進行一項決定東帝汶未來的全民諮詢公投。公投結果於9月4日宣佈,顯示出絕大多數人投票贊成獨立。遍佈全島的暴力行為於是接踵而來,而持續惡化的安全情況,也迫使聯合國不得不加強對東帝汶的干預行動。 基於這個背景,本論文的研究重心將論述、探討東帝汶爭取自決的歷史源起與演繹發展;聯合國的干預過程、政策演變、發佈決議與未來角色扮演;駐東帝汶特派團的成立與任務;聯合國對印尼軍方暗中支持的親合併民兵,引發暴力造成東帝汶安全危機所抱持的態度與立場;國際維和部隊的組建與行動;以及印尼的安全承諾與實際作為等。最後,本文也引述證明了十三項影響聯合國成功干預東帝汶之所謂「貝克維和準則」。當然本論文將對上述建議準則,加以適切地評析,以作為未來聯合國干預行動成敗之評定基準。


In July 1974, following the change of government, Portugal acknowledged the right of its colonial territory, East Timor, to self-determination. Shortly, civil war broke out between those favoring independence and those advocating integration with Indonesia. Indonesia invaded in East Timor on 7 December 1975 due to Portugal withdrawal. UN Security Council adopted Resolution 384(1975) reaffirming East Timor's right to self-determination and urging Indonesia to withdraw its troops. Since 1976, UN had requested Secretary-General to hold informal discussions with governments of Indonesia and Portugal directed toward achieving a solution to this issue. On 5 August 1998, the tripartite negotiations on a special autonomy proposal for East Timor began, which resulted in signing of ”5 May Agreements” in 1999, entrusting UN with conducting a ”popular consultation” to determine the future of East Timor. The result of ballot announced on 4 September, indicating the overwhelming majority had voted in favor of independence. Campaign of violence launched throughout East Timor and the security situation was getting so deteriorating that UN was compelled to reinforce its intervention in it. Based upon this background, the focus of this thesis is going to expound and explore the East Timorese struggle for self-determination, including its historic origins and evolution, UN's intervention process, its evolving policies, resolutions and future roles, establishment of UNAMET and its missions, UN's attitude and stand toward Timor Leste security crisis that resulted from violence of the pro-integration militias tacitly supported by Indonesian military forces, organization of INTERFET and its operations as well as Indonesia's security commitment and practical actions, etc. At last, this study also identifies thirteen factors (or conditions), referred to as the Peacekeeping Baker's Dozen, which impacted on the UN's successful intervention in this devastated territory. To be sure, this thesis will have the suggested checklist been evaluated and analyzed well against which future UN intervention might be assessed as well.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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