


The Influential Elements of Contagion Effect of Auditor Sanction on Client Stock Price Reactions


黃劭彥(Shaio-Yan Huang);卓佳慶(Chia-Ching Cho);蔡昀瑾(Yun-Jin Tsai);林琦珍(Chi-Chen Lin)


會計師懲戒 ; 蔓延效果 ; 累積異常報酬 ; Auditor Sanction ; Contagion Effect ; Cumulative Abnormal Return




6卷1期(2015 / 12 / 01)


63 - 96






This study adopts event study to explore the contagion effect on the audit clients’ value following the auditor sanction, and then further analyzes the consequences of sanction characteristics. The results show that four independent variables, including industry specialization, big-4 status, degrees of sanctions and number of sanctions, are negatively associated with cumulative abnormal returns, when the duration between event day and announcement day is shorter than three years. It suggests that the contagion effect of Auditor Sanction to others' client stock price is present in Taiwan. Finally, various sensitivity tests are conducted and the results are consistent.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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