The purposes of Taiwan Medical and Life Science Citation Index (TPubMed) system are to design one Taiwan Medical and Life Science journal citation database which can be used to query, study and evaluate scientific research in free public service. This proposal describes the design, architecture, feature, policy, rule, system and application of TPubMed journal database. Both citation analysis and bibliometrics had been thought as the mainstream methodology to study academic research development and trend in the past. Author would integrate these methodologies with information technology to proceed with computer-aided bibliometric system construction. The scientific journals references indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI) or Scopus are most published by English language. PubMed has richest paper collections for life science research, but it is focus on abstract and meta data of journal articles rather than references now. The data was shown in English language. TPubMed indexes Taiwan medical and life scientific journals published by traditional Chinese language. Therefore, TPubMed journal database can provide scholars more resources to study the medical and life scientific research activities in Taiwan.
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Taiwan Humanities Citation Index
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Taiwan Science Citation Index
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