


An Empirical Study of Ethical Decision Making Behavior on Social Network Sites






社交網站 ; 倫理決策 ; 道義論評估 ; 目的論評估 ; 倫理評判 ; 行爲意圖 ; social network sites ; ethical decision making ; deontological evaluations ; teleological evaluations ; ethical judgments ; behavioral intentions




3卷1期(2010 / 06 / 30)


17 - 39




社交網站已經快速地成爲最風行的一種線上溝通工具。社交網站的出現增加了個人生活與專業生活之間的重疊,也模糊了兩者之間的界線,因此需要組織採取導引的政策,讓員工可以適當的使用社交網站。爲了讓這些政策得以發揮效用,組織便需要瞭解員工在社交網站的倫理決策行爲。本研究應用Hunt與Vitell (1986)的倫理決策理論來探究員工在社交網路上的行爲決策模式,並發展了研究模式,再利用網路問卷蒐集的資料對研究模式進行實徵的檢測。經過部份最小平方法(Partial Least Square, PLS)的統計分析,本研究發現:1)社交網站上的行爲規範直接影響使用者的道義評估;2)社交網站上行爲的正負向結果直接影響使用者的目的論評估;3)使用者的倫理評判同時考量道義論評估與目的論評估,但目的論評估對倫理評判的影響力,高於道義論產生的效應;4)雖然倫理評判會直接影響社交網站使用者的行爲意圖,但目的論的考量也對行爲意圖具有直接的影響力,因此使用者可能爲了達成或避免特定的結果,跳過或違反原本的倫理評判;5)整體而言,在社交網站使用者的決策中,目的論過程扮演著比道義論過程更重大的角色。


Social networking sites (SNS) have quickly become one of the most popular means of online communication. The advent of SNS has increase the intersection between personal and professional life, and further blurs their boundaries, thus requiring organizations to adopt policies providing guidance to employees regarding proper use of SNS. An understanding of ethical decision making on SNS is important for them to make such policies effective. The study draws on Hunt and Vitell's (1986) ethical decision-making theory to explore employees' behavioral model of ethical decision making on SNS. Moreover, a research model is developed and empirical tested using data collected via Internet questionnaires. With a partial least square (PLS) analysis, we find that: 1) norms of behavior on SNS have a direct impact on deontological evaluations; 2) positive and negative consequences of behavior on SNS directly influence teleological evaluations; 3) ethical judgments are reached by undertaking both deontological and teleological evaluations, but teleological evaluations have a stronger association than deontological evaluations with ethical judgments; 4) ethical judgments directly affect SNS users' behavioral intentions, but teleological considerations can also influence their behavioral intentions directly, allowing them to bypass or disaffirm ethical judgments in order to achieve or avoid specific outcomes; 5) as a whole, teleological processes play a much larger role in a SNS user's decision than deontological processes.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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