


Research of Donation Behavior, Brand Recognition and Purchase Intention for Nonprofit Organization: Based on "Children Are Us Bakery"






非營利組織 ; 品牌認同 ; 購買意願 ; 喜憨兒烘焙坊 ; Non-Profit Organization NPO ; Brand Recognition ; Purchase Intention ; Children Are Us Bakery




4卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


69 - 96






Nonprofit organizations in Taiwan, providing our society with diversified services, have grown extremely fast since last decade. Due to insufficient financial resources, comerical marketing is emphasized by many nonprofit organizations such as ”Children Are Us Foundatation”.Especially little research is focued on the effect when brand recognition of nonprofit organization applies on purchase intention of provided goods. An empirical study utilizes questionaires to analyze important marketing decisions for ”Children Are Us Bakery” brand consumers. The study identified that donation behavior has significant weakened marketing tool effect on purchase intention. Therefore, according to two groups divided by donation behavior, brand recognition and other marketing incentives will provide some commercial marketing suggestion for purchase intention provided by ”Children Are Us Bakery”, one of non-profit organizations in Taiwan.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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