


Customers' Perception of Quality of Hypermarkets through Service Encounter




陳怡靜(I-Ching Chen);胡學誠(Shueh-Cheng Hu)


量販店 ; 服務接觸 ; 關鍵事件技術 ; Hypermarket ; service encounter ; critical incident technique




4卷2期(2011 / 12 / 30)


41 - 61




國人至量販店購物的消費型態已成為現今日常生活的一部份,有鑑於提升與顧客服務接觸的質量是獲得顧客的滿意認同及再購意願的要素,亦是各量販店業者所需面對的重要課題,故此本研究應用關鍵事件技術與Bitner, Booms, &Tetreault 於1990 所提出的分類原則,從顧客的觀點,透過訪談蒐集量販店顧客特別滿意與特別不滿意的事件並進行分類探討。研究結果發現,在滿意的關鍵事件方面,以第三類「自發性的員工行動」所佔比例較高,在不滿意的關鍵事件方面,則以第二類「員工對顧客需要與請求的反應」較為明顯。其中在細項部分,滿意事件以第三類「自發性的員工行動」中的「型態評估」與第二類「員工對顧客需要與請求的反應」的比例較高。而不滿意事件則更以第一類「員工對服務傳遞系統失能的反應」中的「對異常緩慢服務的反應」遙遙領先其他細項。本文最後依據研究結果提出相關建議,希冀本研究結果可以做為量販店業者改善服務品質、提升顧客滿意的依據。


Shopping around hypermarkets has become part of many domestic customers' daily life. Improving quality of service encounter is critical to customers' satisfaction and re-purchase intention, thus is a key issue that hypermarket administrators must deal with. This research aimed to investigate customers' satisfaction toward hypermarkets' service. The research used critical incident technique and BBT taxonomy to survey and categorize customers' experience about satisfactory and dissatisfactory incidents that they encountered in hypermarkets. Research revealed that the major sources of satisfaction came from unprompted and unsolicited employee actions, while the major sources of dissatisfactory incidents are employee response to customer needs and requests. According to these findings, this research provided concrete suggestions for hypermarkets' administration, which aims to improve their service quality and customer satisfaction.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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