


The Effects of Web Usability on Trust and Continuance Intention of Group Buying Site Users




彭國芳(Kuo-Fang Peng);郭建明(Gen-Ming Guo)


團購網 ; 網站可用性 ; 信任 ; 持續使用意願 ; Group Buying Sites ; Web Usability ; Trust ; Continuance Intention




5卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


74 - 92






Group buying online has been one of the emerging shopping models performed by Web users. Through using the group buying platform, massive shoppers get together to seek popular and cheaper products. Various group buying sites are launched to provide different combinations of function and style design, though the assessment on the performances of these sites are still not actually evaluated by users. On the other hand, trust issues have also been raised and become a challenging problem faced by group buying platforms due to the appearance of numerous transactional frauds and quarrels, leading that the healthy growth of the online group buying business is thus prohibited. This study aims to explore the relationship among Web usability dimensions, trust, and continuance intention. We empirically recruit 218 convenient samples and test the proposed relationships utilizing PLS path analysis. The results showed : (1) the dimensions of efficiency, low error rate , and satisfaction within the perceived Web usability are positively contributed to shopper's trust toward the group buying site, however, learnability and memorability are rejected; (2) group buying shopper's trust toward the group buying site is significantly helpful to the continuance intention of the group buying platform. The academic and practical implications of this study are finally discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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