


An Analysis of Social Justice of Establishing Casino in Penghu: NIMBY's Perspective




黃躍雯(Yueh-Wen Huang)


觀光賭場 ; 鄰避設施 ; 鄰避情結 ; 社會正義 ; 澎湖 ; Casino ; NIMBY facilities ; NIMBY syndrome ; Social justice ; Penghu




1卷1期(2008 / 09 / 01)


1 - 29






Generally speaking, most NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) facilities are located in periphery of space or social structures with advantages for some and disadvantages for the others. This issue has led to a series of discusses about social justice related to space usages. The reactions of the NIMBY issue are extremes; not all residences disagree; some of them even support the decision. For example, the proposal about casino in Penghu, the advocators suggest to develop and integrate capital for the state. On the other hand, the other residents are afraid that will have negative impacts on social cultures and NIMBY effects of space forms. Therefore, it leads to a critical debate and is hard to solve. By fieldworks, content analysis, case studies and investigates, this research found that residents living in Taiwan, Penghu and remote islands do have ”NIMBY syndrome” about the casino issues and dislike casino located near by. However, it should be noted that this against is not serious. In statistics, the supports reached 5.6percents of residents living in Penghu, with 3.2 percents against. This result is similar to historical statistics as well as the reasons and orders of supports and opposites are the same. However, this research suggests that it should not completely depend upon the polls. On one hand, the research methods, designs, and trimmings are questioned; on the other hand, the role of state, and the division of labor in branch of state, local communities (institutes) and local governments should be re-examined. Re-defining the authority of office and function is necessary prior to decide the development of Penghu to avoid falling into the social injustices.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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