


A Study of Tourists' Attraction and Lodging Satisfaction-A Case of Penghu Taobing Art B&B




鄭錫欽(His-Chin Cheng);梁家祜(Joy Chia-Huh Liang)


民宿 ; 澎湖陶兵藝術民宿 ; 複合式民宿 ; 民宿經營 ; Bed and Breakfasts B&B ; Penghu Taobing art B&B ; Composite B&B ; B&B operations




1卷2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


59 - 79




近年來台灣對於旅遊住宿的需求隨著資訊和傳播媒體的發展與社會價值觀的改變而有了新的趨勢,興起一股複合式民宿風,這些特色民宿結合了住宿、餐飲與觀光遊憩等特性形成「休閒服務產業」。澎湖陶兵藝術民宿結合了住宿、餐飲、文石與陶藝藝術創作與巧思,深得愛好賞析藝術遊客的青睞。本研究對陶兵藝術複合式民宿作個案分析,研究其民宿經營管理模式對遊客之吸引力以問卷調查的方式,探討遊客住宿動機和滿意度,並以深入訪談歸納民宿經營管理模式,可供有志者經營複合式民宿的参考。 問卷調查分析結果發現遊客住宿動機排名前三項分別爲鬆弛身心、民宿建築型式及生活體驗;遊客對於服務品質滿意度依序爲親和力、服務態度及服務效率;對於硬體設施滿意度依序爲早餐美味、寢室整齊及景觀設計;遊客對於複合式民宿特色之偏好滿意程度依序爲早餐美味、寢室整齊及景觀設計文物創作、特殊景觀及贈予藝品; 另就深入訪談歸納民宿經營管理模式如下: 一、經營者要把生活與興趣融入方能永續經營。 二、將遊客區隔爲藝術愛好者,民宿定位爲藝術民宿,將民宿的整體層面以藝術爲基礎,以吸引欣賞與喜愛藝術的遊客。 三、以高社會經濟階層的群體及年輕情侶族群爲行銷重要對象。 四、藝術體驗民宿的最主要的優勢是其他競爭者所無法取代的體驗,也是一種市場利基。 五、澎湖夏天民宿旺季,冬天淡季就處於停業狀態。如果冬天要經營的話應與文化創意產業、節慶活動及商圈活動結合較爲可行。 六、民宿的未來發展,可與有新點子的藝術產業作異業結盟,以符合小眾、重遊旅客的需求。 陶兵藝術民宿以特殊早餐餐點、教學DIY及業者的藝術收藏興趣爲特色發展出複合式民宿,業者的人格特質及溫馨的服務品質,使遊客有回家的感覺,使得陶兵藝術民宿以異於其他旅館或民宿的經營模式,遊客對其服務態度與親合力的滿意度在五點量表得4.5分以上,並得以持續保持旺季八成以上住房率。


In recent years, the developments of news media and changes in social values have changed the demand for tourist accommodation in Taiwan. The combination of Bed & Breakfasts (B&B), catering and tourism and other features formed ”the leisure services industry” which is expanding. Penghu Taobing art B&B, which the ingenuity of pottery art, and the aragonite, stones with pleasing streaks or mottles, has obtained the appreciation of art-loving tourists of all ages. This study investigates tourists' attraction and lodging satisfaction of Penghu Taobing art B&B. A questionnaire survey and in-depth interview of top management are utilized to examine tourists' lodging motivation and satisfaction. The results find that relaxation, the unique style of the building, and living experience are the first three lodging attractions. Most visitors are satisfied with quality of services, affinity and efficiency. The in-depth interviews with host-owners are summarized as below: 1. Host-owners must integrate interest and life styles together for sustainable operation. 2. High social economic sectors and young couples are the target groups for marketing. 3. Host-owners should position composite (or compound-type) B&B as arts hostels, to attract tourists who appreciate art works. 4. Some B&Bs have the advantage of a sea landscape; however, the experience of enjoying a variety of art works is not replaceable. 5. In the winter off-season, composite B&Bs should work with cultural creative businesses, trade events or activities to attract more visitors. Penghu Taobing art B&B provides special breakfast meals, DIY programs, art collections exhibitions, features a composite hostel. The quality of service makes tourists have a stay at home feeling. The B&B receives visitors' high satisfaction, and maintains over 80% accommodation rates in the high season.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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