


Research of Experiential Marketing Strategy on Island Recreational Fishery




周聰佑(Tsung-Yu Chou);韓子健(Tzeu-Chen Han);顏宗信(Tsung-Hsin Yen)


休閒漁業 ; 體驗行銷 ; 重遊意願 ; 顧客滿意度 ; Recreational Fishery ; Experiential Marketing ; Revisit Intention ; Customer Satisfaction




2卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


1 - 28






Tourism Leisure Industry is the ”Non-Chimney”, or in other words, the ”Clean and Green” industry that attracts focus in countries worldwide. Due to the trend in blending leisure life style into travelling plans as well as the need in transforming traditional fishery, the fishing community is at the turning point where it must look into innovative ways to revitalise the downfallen industry. If traditional fishing industry can find ways to turn into tourism packages with high added customer values, then the living condition and monetary gain in the fishing community can be improved and enhanced. Yet at present, most experiential marketing researches have not been applicable to recreation fishery even though relevant studies have verified the conformity of experiential marketing to service and leisure industry. In light of the aforementioned, this study aims to investigate the impacts of experiential marketing to customer value, satisfaction and revisit intention in recreational fishery. According to relevant studies and previous researches, this study proposes hypotheses and a verification model which includes four variables: Experiential Marketing, Experience Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention. Tourists and travellers coming to Penghu area for leisure are the study subjects and through distribution and recollection of questionnaires, 350 effective questionnaires are retrieved. SPSS and LISREL are used for model analysis and hypotheses verification. Study results show: (1) Experiential Marketing has significant positive effect on Experience Value and Customer Satisfaction. (2) Both Experience Value and Customer Satisfaction have significant positive effects on Customer Revisit Intention. (3) Experience Value and Customer Satisfaction are confirmed as the mediator variables of Experiential Marketing and Revisit Intention. Finally, this study recommends the application of Experiential Marketing on island recreational fishery and aims to provide quality reference to relative organisations when designing recreational fishery programs.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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