


The Research of Developing an Evaluation Model for Conference Service Quality in Hotel Industries




吳政和(Jheng-He Wu);洪佳慧(Chia-Hui Hung)


會議服務品質評估模式 ; SERVQUAL ; LODGSERV ; LODGQUAL ; HOLSERV ; The Evaluation Model on Service Quality of Conference ; SERVQUAL、LODGSERV、LODGQUAL、HOLSERV




2卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


19 - 27




會議與展覽產業被視爲「火車頭型服務業」並爲觀光市場帶來新契機,經濟部國際貿易局2009年提出「台灣會展躍升計畫」,旨將台灣建構成具國際吸引力與競爭力的會議展覽環境,以爭取國際會議展覽活動來台舉辦等爲主要目標。旅館產業隨即將成爲重要的國際會議之接待組織,良好的會議服務不僅對旅館本身具有重要的意義,更應以滿足會議顧客的需求爲目標與建立良好的口碑行銷和顧客之再宿意願。故本研究運用Parasuraman、Zeithaml和Berry等人1991年提出之「修正後服務品質量表」,作爲衡量會議服務品質模式之中心準則,並輔以國外旅館測量服務品質的量表,如LODGSERV(Lodging Service Quality)、LODGQUAL(Perceived Lodging Quality)與HOLSERV(Hospitality Service Quality)等量表進行探討與實證,來衡量旅館顧客在會議服務上「實際知覺」與「期望知覺」之差距,作爲改善會議服務品質之重點方向。


The convention and exhibition industry are considered as the leading service industry and bring the new opportunity for tourism market. The Bureau of Foreign Trade handle ”A plan for rising the convention and exhibition in Taiwan” in 2009, the aim of this plan is to form Taiwan's conference and exhibition industry as an international appealing and competitive environment. And the main goal is striving for the international conference and exhibition activity. Therefore, the hotel industry will be immediately become important international conference reception organization. The fine conference service is not merely important for hotel, should regard conference customer's demands as the goal even more, and further establish good Word-Of-Mouth and the return intensions of customer. This research used ”the scale of service quality after revision” that brought up by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1991) regarded as the center criterion of assessing the service quality of conference, and adopt the scale such as LODGSERV (Lodging Service Quality) , LODGQUAL (Perceived Lodging Quality) and HOLSERV (Hospitality Service Quality). It was in order to discussion and empirical analysis, and assessed the gap between expectation and actual perception, regarded as the key direction of improving the service quality of conference.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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