


The Relationships among Service Quality, Service Value, Leisure Experiences and Tourist Satisfaction on Behavioral intention-A Case Study of 2008 Penghu Seafood Festival




胡俊傑(Chun-Chieh Hu)


服務品質 ; 服務價值 ; 行爲意向 ; 休閒體驗 ; 滿意度 ; Service quality ; Service value ; Behavioral intention ; Leisure experiences and Tourist satisfaction




2卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


46 - 74




本研究係探討2008年澎湖菊島海鮮節活動的服務品質、服務價值、休閒體驗、滿意度對行爲意向的影響,以了解其因果關係並藉此提出管理上的意涵。透過問卷調查方式了解遊客對海鮮節的認知,採便利取樣收集相關資訊,並以皮爾森積差相關、典型相關及多元逐步迴歸進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,服務品質各構面對服務價值主構面之間有顯著正相關;服務品質對行爲意向構面之間有顯著正相關;服務價值主構面對行爲意向各構面之間有顯著正相關;服務品質與服務價值對行爲意向具有部份顯著影響;休閒體驗各構面對滿意度之間有顯著正相關;滿意度對行爲意向各構面之間有部份顯著正相關;休閒體驗對行爲意向之間有顯著正相關;休閒體驗與滿意度對行爲意向之間有部份顯著影響。 希冀其相關結果幫助業者瞭解活動參與者對體驗活動的感受;並提出相關建議,作爲休閒相關產業之業者,在體驗活動之經營管理與規劃上之參考依據,期待體驗活動能帶給遊客更豐富的感受。


These researches study the impact of service quality, service value, leisure experiences and tourist satisfaction on behavioral intention of ”2008 Penghu Seafood Festival”. In order to understand the causal relationships of all factors, and to propose management implication strategies, this study conducts questionnaire survey to seafood festival visitors. The statistic methods used in this study include Pearson correlation, canonical correlation and multiple stepwise regressions for data analysis. The results found that service quality has significantly positive correlation with service value, and service quality also has significantly positive correlation with behavioral intention; in addition, service quality and service value have significantly influence on behavioral intention. Leisure experiences have significantly positive correlation with tourist satisfaction; behavioral intention has significantly positive correlation with tourist satisfaction; leisure experiences have significantly positive correlation with behavioral intention as well; both behavioral intention and tourist satisfaction have significantly positive correlation with behavioral intention. The results of this research would help seafood festival operators to understand feedbacks of festival participants. Recommendations were suggested to leisure-related industries for activities planning and management, and expect the event would bring abounding experiences and satisfaction for tourists in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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