


The Study on Service Quality, Service Value, Leisure Experience, Satisfactions, and Behavioral Intention-Taking Offshore Recreation Platform in Penghu as an Example




黃秋藤(Chiu-Teng Huang);胡俊傑(Chun-Chieh Hu);楊倩姿(Chien-Tzu Yang)


海上平台 ; 服務品質 ; 服務價值 ; 休閒體驗 ; 滿意度 ; 行爲意向 ; offshore recreation platform ; service quality ; service value ; leisure experience ; satisfactions ; behavioral intention




3卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


81 - 99




早期豐沛的漁業資源,造就了澎湖興盛的漁業發展,更曾經讓澎湖擁有小香港的美譽。然而,隨著近年來漁業資源日益枯竭,原屬地方經濟命脈的傳統捕撈漁業亦快速沒落,傳統漁村因此陷入發展停滯的窘境,依賴海洋爲生的漁民爲謀求生計,轉而投入另一項同樣倚重海洋資源的休閒漁業來發展。本研究欲深入瞭解澎湖的休閒漁業發展現況,故挑選近年來參與遊客人數最多,未來發展潛力最大,以及對海洋資源干擾最小的海上平台開始著手。 本研究透過問卷調查,瞭解遊客對澎湖海上平台的服務品質、服務價值、休閒體驗、滿意度與行爲意向之看法,希望能夠發現產業現存之問題,期能進一步改善海上平台的營運管理,並對滿足遊客需求及期望有所助益。研究結果發現,澎湖海上平台的服務品質對遊客滿意度及行爲意向具部份顯著之影響。澎湖海上平台的服務價值對遊客滿意度及行爲意向具顯著之影響。澎湖海上平台的休閒體驗對遊客滿意度及行爲意向具顯著之影響。


The abundant fishery resource encouraged the fishery development of Penghu in the ancient time and earned the reputation of ”Small Hong Kong”. As the fishery resource became dried up, the economic lifeline, capture fishery, rapidly declined. The development of traditional fishing village had ceased. Residents who lived on ocean started to develop the recreational fishery. This study aimed at the present situation of recreational fishery in Penghu and chose the most popular and potential activity, offshore recreation platform, as the target which also had less interruption to the environment. Through questionnaires made by tourists, this study could understand their opinion of service quality, service value, leisure experience, satisfaction, and behavioral intention toward offshore recreation platform. We intended to discuss the existing problems, improved the management of offshore recreation platform, and met the demand of tourists. The result indicated the service quality had partial effect on the satisfaction and behavioral intention. The service value had great effect on the satisfaction and behavioral intention, and so did leisure experience.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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