


The Interrelationships among the Recreation Benefit, Traveler Satisfaction and Traveler Loyalty: The Moderating Effects of hot-spring Bathing Activities




謝淑芬(Shu-Fen Hsieh)


遊憩利益 ; 遊客忠誠度 ; 遊客滿意度 ; recreation benefit ; traveler loyalty ; traveler satisfaction




3卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


73 - 92






This study is aimed to investigate the relationship among the recreation Benefit, satisfaction and recreation benefit And the study also used recreation benefit as independent variables, satisfaction as the intervening variable, traveler loyalty as the dependent variable, hot-spring bathing behavior variables as moderating variable to test the moderating effects on the path model. The sample with 330 visitors in Wulai scenic area was collected, in addition, descriptive statistics, T Test, simple correlation analysis, factor analysis, path model and hierarchical regression analysis were adopted in this study. The results of the research demonstrate that satisfaction was influenced by recreation benefit, satisfaction as the intervening variable between recreation benefit and traveler loyalty. Above all, the activity of hot spring bathing which being added will provide the moderating effects on the path model. In other words the bathing tourists had higher loyalty. Therefore, in addition to enhanced spa-related industry hardware and software service, both the government and the travel industry should also be effective planning, to facilitate tourists in diverse recreational activities to meet the recreational interests of visitors, it helps to enhance the visitor loyalty.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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