


The Relationships of Leisure Fishery Customer Perceived Value, Experience, Image, and Loyalty: A Case of Pudai Harbor




沈進成(Ching-Cheng Shen);林宜欣(Yi-Hsin Lin);葉語瑄(Yu-Syuan Ye);林秀珊(Hsiu-Shan Lin)


認知價值 ; 體驗 ; 旅遊意象 ; 布袋漁港 ; Customer Perception Value ; Experience ; Tourism Image ; Pudai Harb




4卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


33 - 52






Leisure fishery combines fishery and leisure activities to development of production, fishery village and ecological reservation. Besides, leisure fishery helps to promote economic level of fishers and tourist quality of the public. The key points of sustainable development of leisure fishery must focus on customer perceived value, experience, image, and loyalty after leisure fishery activities. Base on this reason, this study use tourists in Pudai Harbor to explore the relationships of these key points. Our results reveal that experiential memory and monetary price both is highest customer perceived value. Also, sensual experience is highest and thinking experience is lowest of tourists' experience, and finally local seafood is strongest travel image. In addition, the tourists' experiences positive influences travel image and customer loyalty. Similarly, travel image also positive influences customers' loyalty. Experience was found to have an indirect effect on customer loyalty as moderated by perceived value. It implies that when tourist own rich experiences and then have higher loyalty.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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