


The Influence of Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention-A Case Study of Center for Tradtional Arts




張和然(Her-Ran Chang);張菁敏(Chin-Min Chang)


體驗價值 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 行爲意圖 ; Experiential Value ; Customer Satisfaction ; Behavioral Intention




4卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


49 - 68






The evolution of the social environment, highlights of life quality, leisure and tourism have become an integral part of Taiwan residents' life in recent years. With the thriving of the tourism industry, the tourists' behavioral intentions are becoming the decisive element of affecting the sustainability in the industry.The Executive of National Center for Traditional Arts (NCFTA), Yuan-applies outsourced management to cultural facilities which is the first case in National Council for Cultural Affairs. With a view to construct significant and intimate relations out of traditional arts' experience, Yuan is also responsible for traditional arts' inheritance and its promotion activities. Among the numerous cultural theme parks in Taiwan, the endeavor and contribution of the case make it a targeting example.The study aims at evaluating the actual experiences of traditional arts, and understanding the interaction between customers 'behavioral intentions and customers' satisfaction in NCFTA with the purpose to render a reference of future business mode, upgrading customer satisfaction and sustainability of the industry for NCFTA. The study sets NCFTA's tourists as the target group for the questionnaire research in which there are 479 valid copies out of the total 550 copies. The research result is based on collected data of questionnaires and analyzed by the SPSS statistic tool to explore and clarify how the variables of tourists would take different effects on the experiential values and the relations between customers' behavioral intentions and customers' satisfaction.According to the study result, 「experiential values」 have a major effect on the customers' behavioral intentions which the 「entertaining value」 is the most decisive, while 「knowledgeable value」 goes to the opposite way. 「Servicing value」 is also a key index to customers' satisfaction which consequently has a crucial influence on customers' behavioral intentions too. The research results also discover that customers' satisfaction offers a role as a buffer between experiential values and customers' behavioral intentions. In the final part of the study, based on the research result, the concrete and substantial advices of improvement are provided for NCFTA as future references.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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