


A Historical Transformation and Visionary Research of Spatial Configuration in the Island-A Case Study of Penghu




黃慶輝(Ching-Hui Huang)


澎湖 ; 觀光 ; 空間型態構成 ; 空間型態構成理論 ; 便捷性 ; Penghu ; tourism ; spatial configuration ; Space Syntax ; integration




4卷4期(2012 / 01 / 01)


1 - 25




澎湖的觀光資源相當豐富,如何加強現有整體陸地交通網絡,鏈結海運據點與觀光景點,藉以帶動整體經濟的成長,成為澎湖未來觀光發展的重要課題。本研究的目的首先是依據不同時期的地圖與都市計畫圖,探討馬公市觀光區域的歷史變遷過程;其次是基於現況行政區域圖呈現澎湖本島的整體空間型態構成;最後是依據新跨海大橋的規劃構想預測澎湖本島未來的整體觀光發展願景。本文的研究方法是空間型態構成理論(Space Syntax),以視覺化與量化的方式呈現整體的空間型態構成。研究的成果指出空間型態構成理論不僅再現了馬公市生活與觀光核心區域五個階段的移動歷程,也呈現出澎湖本島因缺乏環島的道路系統形成離島的空間型態現況。重要聚落各自形成獨立的局部生活圈,有利於發展獨特地方特色的觀光旅遊服務。澎湖本島未來整體的核心區域往馬公市的方向移動,西岸疏離區域的現況也得以改善。新跨海大橋能夠帶動澎湖本島整體的生活環境再造與觀光旅遊的發展。本研究的成果因此能夠成為澎湖本島未來觀光發展可行性評估的基礎。後續的觀光規畫可以依據當地居民與觀光客的共同需求,創造出同時符合日常生活與觀光旅遊的優質環境。


There are abundant tourist resources in mainland Penghu. But how to improve transportation network linking tourist spots become the major issues of the island. The purpose of this research is to study historical transformation of Magong City and to analyze existing as well as future spatial configuration of mainland Penghu. Methodology of this study was Space Syntax, which provided both visual and quantitative digital analytic techniques. The historical transformation analysis was based on the maps, urban planning maps, and relevant studies. The future prediction was first to analyze existing global map of mainland Penghu. Then the axial line of proposed bridge was put into the existing map. The findings indicated that Space Syntax not only represented the five phases of transformations for the core areas of the city, but also pointed out the existing remote conditions and the local spatial pattern which connected transport artillery by a major street of mainland Penghu. In addition, after the proposed bridge complete, the present core areas of the island will expand into Magong City and its harbor, which is the critical transportation node of the island. The remote conditions of the west coast will also be improved by the new bridge project. Therefore, the future design projects in Penghu can follow the results of this study to create suitable living environment for both local people and tourists.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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