


Brand Knowledge of Taichung City Fruits to Destination Image


林宜欣(Yi-Hsin Lin);鐘珮之(Pei-Chih Chung)


目的地意象 ; 品牌知識 ; 品牌形象 ; 品牌知名度 ; 台中市水果 ; Destination Image ; Brand Knowledge ; Brand Image ; Brand Awareness ; Taichung City




6卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


72 - 95






Taichung City owns various and attractive fruits for a long time. But they were lacked suitable marketing and positional strategy to promote in international market. Based on those reasons, this study would like to know the relationship between brand knowledge (brand image and brand awareness) of Taichung City fruits and destination image of Taichung City within foreign travelers. This study was used descriptive statistical analysis, and regression analysis to examine three hypotheses by 1,021 samples from China, HK/Macau, and Malaysia/Singapore. Our results supported three hypotheses that brand awareness, brand image and brand knowledge all positive influences destination image of foreign travelers. Besides, brand awareness was found to differ significantly among respondents with respect to travel experience in Taichung City. Travelers with experience in Taichung City would keep better understanding and background in traffic and environment of Taichung City.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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