


The Study between Efficiency Service Recovery and Word-of-Mouth of Mainland Tourists in Taiwan Trip


董瑞人(Jui-Jen Tung)


效率層面服務補救 ; 服務補救滿意度 ; 口碑宣傳 ; Efficiency service recovery ; Service recovery satisfaction ; Word-of-mouth




6卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


23 - 45






Travel agents play an important role in the tourism industry. How these travel agents improve from service failures and the reaction of tourists regarding the service recovery, service recovery satisfaction, customer loyalty and word-of-mouth have become most important issues tourists are concerned. This study discusses the relationship among efficiency service recovery, service recovery satisfaction and word-of-mouth. To establish the model with empirical evidence, this study examines the Alishan tourists to understand the relevance of efficiency service recovery, service recovery satisfaction and word-of mouth. The empirical results show that the significance positive relationship between efficiency service recovery and service recovery satisfaction, service recovery satisfaction and word-of-mouth. Service recovery satisfaction has mediate effect. Finally, this study discusses the managerial implications.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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