


The Relationship between Festival Activity Cognition, Satisfaction and Loyalty-Using the 2013 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival as an Example


鍾政偉(Cheng-Wei Chung)


活動認知 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; 線性結構方程式 ; Activity Cognition ; Satisfaction ; Loyalty ; Structural Equation Modeling




7卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


26 - 53




21世紀全球積極開發觀光節慶資源,現今世界每年屬於常規性的節慶活動就達百萬種。交通部觀光局自2004年開始推動節慶活動發展計畫,臺灣各地區開始積極辦理屬於自己的地方特色節慶活動。節慶活動在台灣發展迅速,各地節慶活動如雨後春筍般的相繼舉辦,但快速發展的同時,必須同時考量到遊客的需求與感受,日新月異,才不會使節慶活動變的單調乏味了無新意。本研究透過文獻回顧,建立節慶活動認知、滿意度與忠誠度之影響關係,採取Next to Pass技術,透過線性結構方程式(SEM)再次驗證其影響程度。而研究結果發現活動認知對於滿意度具有正向顯著影響;活動認知對忠誠度具有負向顯著影響;滿意度對於忠誠度具有正向顯著影響;且活動認知透過滿意度影響提升了對忠誠度整體的正向影響。本研究推論活動認知對於忠誠度為負向,其原因在於2013高雄燈會藝術節,在整體宣傳效果與活動內容規劃設計上和同期舉辦之臺灣燈會、臺北燈節與臺中燈會相比之下,顯得較為薄弱,造成外地遊客不願意再次重遊此地。且從頻次分析可發現,目前參與2013高雄燈會藝術節活動之在地遊客多數具有著「長期忠誠」,遊客族群還是以在地遊客比例居多,對於外地遊客吸引程度,仍然是較為偏低的狀況。未來在節慶活動的規劃上,從遊客認知的思考出發,滿足遊客需求,將可獲得較好的滿意程度,進而提升整體遊客之忠誠,使節慶活動辦理更能往永續化發展的方向進行辦理。


Tourism festivals have been aggressively developed around the world to attract tourists; to date, there are millions of routine festival activities all over the world every year. The Tourism Bureau of Taiwan has started to promote festival activitydevelopment plans since 2004; hence, local festival activities have been developed prosperously across Taiwan. Despite of the growth of the festivals, the needs and perceptions of tourists should be concerned in order to bring new ideas to the activities. This study conducted a literature review to gain an understanding of the relationship among festival activity cognition, satisfaction, and loyalty. Then, using Next-to-Pass technique, the influential degree was measured through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results revealed that activities cognition positively and significantly affects satisfaction.Activities cognition negatively and significantly affects loyalty. Satisfaction positively and significantly affects loyalty. Through the impact of satisfaction, activities cognition enhances its positive impact on overall loyalty. This research infers that the reason for the negative influence of activities cognition to loyalty is because the entire effect of publicity, design, and planning of activity content for the 2013 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival is weaker than that done for the Taiwan Lantern Festival, Taipei Lantern Festival, and Taichung Lantern Festival held in the same period of time. This caused tourists to lack desire in participation. The frequency analysis found that most of the local tourists who participated in the 2013 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival have long-term loyalty, and most of them are local residents. In other words, this activity has lower attraction to non-local tourists. In the future planning of festival activities, it is necessary to consider the cognition of tourists and meet their needs in order to gain higher satisfaction and promote overall tourist loyalty. This will lead the management of festival activities towards the direction of sustainable development.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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