


The Relationship among Corporate Social Responsibility, Service Quality, Consumer Relationship Quality and Loyalty-A Case Study of Hospitality Industry in Taiwan


李忠成(Chung-Cheng Li);陳信憲(Hsin-Hsien Chen);劉瑞香(Jui-Shiang Liu);王志全(Chih-Chuan Wang)


企業社會責任 ; 服務品質 ; 關係品質 ; 忠誠度 ; Corporate Social Responsibility ; Service Quality ; Relationship Quality ; Loyalty




7卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 31




本研究以中台灣餐飲服務業消費者為為樣本,目的在於探討餐飲服務業之企業社會責任與服務品質與餐飲服務業消費者忠誠度之關係,以及關係品質在此關係間的中介效果。本研究成功地訪問中台灣餐飲服務業257位消費者為為樣本,運用LISREL 8.52檢驗,研究結果獲得以下之結論:(1)企業社會責任對於承諾、信任與滿意度的效果具有正向影響;(2)服務品質對於信任與滿意度的效果具有正向影響,對承諾的效果不具統計顯著;(3)關係品質的「滿意度」與「承諾」在企業社會責任和忠誠度具完全中介效果;(4)關係品質的「滿意度」與「承諾」在服務品質和忠誠度具完全中介效果,研究結果對於餐飲服務業者擬定行銷策略時,皆能提供有用之參考資訊。


This research focuses on how corporate social responsibility and service quality impact consumer relationship quality and further affect loyalty in the hospitality industry in central Taiwan. This research surveyed 257 hospitality customers, and used LISREL 8.52 to analyze the data. The results are as follows: First, corporate social responsibility positively affects commitment, trust and satisfaction. Second, service quality positively links to satisfaction, but not commitment. Finally, satisfaction and commitment completely mediate the relationship between corporate social responsibility and service quality. Results provide managerial implications to hospitality firms, especially when deciding marketing strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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