


The Impact of the Erkan Settlement Toursim Development on Residents' Quality of Life


郁孟庭(Meng-Ting Yu);林晏州(Yann-Jou Lin)


觀光發展 ; 傳統聚落 ; 生活品質 ; 深度訪談 ; 澎湖居民 ; Tourism development ; Traditional settlement ; Quality of Life (QoL) ; Oral interview ; Penghu residents




7卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26






With the rapid development of the tourism industry, the government has begun to promote the tourism-development model by combined leisure with local cultural. It has positive benefits and negative impacts when the region begins to develop the tourism, and the most direct impact is on the residents' quality of life. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of tourism development on traditional settlement residents' quality of life in Erkan, Penghu. The pilot interviews and field observations were conducted on November, 2013. Forty three residents were formally interviewed on February, 2014. The results indicate that the development of tourism had mostly positive effects on quality of life, and most respondents agreed that community cohesion was improved. Many people said that the tourism development was great to provide physical and mental relaxation, enhance community cohesion, and bring the industrial economy. However, some residents were still not involved in such activities, and some of them complained about the noise and environment caused by tourism development. Therefore, more opportunities for residents to communicate ideas of tourism development is helpful to avoid misunderstanding and alienation.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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