


The Impact of Experiential Marketing of Brewing Ground Coffee Products on Consumer Behavioral Intentions


陳細鈿(Hsi-Tien Chen)


體驗媒介 ; 體驗行銷 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 行為意圖 ; 付費意願 ; Experiential Providers ; Experiential Marketing ; Customer Satisfaction ; Behavioral Intentions ; Willingness to Pay




8卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


52 - 86






In the past, marketing strategies of the coffee industry often were conducted by traditional media and marketing mix. Most of these traditional marketing strategies are static and focus on functional efficiency. They are lack of the experiential elements touching customer heart and strengthening customer impression. In competitive coffee market, it is very difficult for them to differentiate with other products or brands, and separate niche market. A few studies concerned about the relationship between experiential marketing and consumer behavior in the coffee industry. However, Most of them focused on coffee shops. It is rare to explore experiential marketing of ground coffee package. it is rare that integrating "stimulus-organism-response" consumer behavior framework with the coffee experience marketing activities to study its course to stimulate consumer experience of perception and mood, and the mechanism causing consumer behavior reaction. The ground coffee package of D company as an example in this study, "stimulus-organism-response" framework and experiential grid were used to develop experiential marketing plan. Based on this plan, coffee tasting experience activity was designed. It allows consumers to experience the perception of experiential marketing through experience providers, and to discuss whether it can effectively enhance the consumer experience value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions (Willingness to pay for activity, recommended and cross-purchasing intentions). It can be used to verify the effectiveness of experiential marketing activities and a reference that coffee industry sets the experiential activity price and marketing strategy. Furthermore, the impact of gender, age, education and occupation variables on experiential marketing, experiential value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions were analyzed. The result are expected to help the owners develop differentiation and market segmentation strategies, and can be used as academic reference.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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