


To Explore Consumers' Satisfaction of Perceived Price, Store Image on the Influence of Brand Image and Loyalty in Starbucks Coffeehouse Chain-An Example of Tainan Sinying Store


郭國軒(Kuo-Shuan Kuo)


知覺價格 ; 空間印象 ; 品牌形象 ; 忠誠度 ; Perceived Price ; Store Image ; Brand Image ; Loyalty




8卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


51 - 75




本研究主要目的是在探討咖啡連鎖連鎖店之消費者知覺價格和空間印象的滿意度對品牌形象、顧客忠誠度的影響研究。以台南市新營店為例,選擇300人為本研究的受測對象,有效問卷份數共294份,占全體98%。資料處理係採用SPSS 22.0 for Windows之統計套裝軟體進行次數百分比、因素、增值適配度統計,迴歸和單因子變異等資料分析。結果顯示,消費者對於滿意度有顯著影響:服務人員的服務態度與儀態表現、專業知識與技能、顧客問題處理能力,皆有顯著影響。消費者對於知覺價格的滿意度有顯著影響:對於知覺價格當中的兼售咖啡相關產品接受度上,女生大於男生有顯著差異,性別對知覺價格有不同程度之差異,學歷對於提供折扣頻率次數的接受度上,皆有顯著影響。空間印象當中,本研究發現學歷對於店內裝潢擺設的水準程度上有顯著影響;至於店內現場音樂風格與氣氛的比較方面,學歷不同也呈現出顯著差異。


The purpose of this study was to explore consumer's satisfaction of perceived price and store image on the influence of brand image and loyalty in Starbucks coffeehouse chain shop. 294 samples were selected to this study, and were conducted to survey investigation. SPSS 22.0 For Window Software was used to analyze Frequency Factor, Incremental fit index, Regression and One-way Anova. The result showed that there were significantly difference among Consumers' Satisfaction. Especially, Personnel Attitude, Dressing, Knowledge, Service Skill and Ability for handle the problem were also highly influenced by consumers. The result indicated that there were significantly difference between sexesn on Perceived Price. Comparing to male, the data implied that female had a highly tendency on the acceptance of product. The result also showed that there were highly influence among Education on discount usage frequency. As for Spatial Image, there were highly influence among Education on the Decoration and Landscape in the shop. The data also indicated that there was highly influenced by Education on the music and mood in the shop.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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