


Does social capital promote leisure participation? The effect of stress on leisure participation


杜佩蘭(Pey-Lan Du);張肇松(Chao-Sung Chang);黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang);莊芸鑫(Yun-Hsin Chuang)


社會資本 ; 壓力 ; 休閒參與 ; 金門 ; Social Capital ; Stress ; Leisure Participation ; Kinmen




10卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


20 - 51






This paper investigated the causal relationships between the social capital and leisure participation of Kinmen residents, and stated the levels of their stress had moderating effect on the relationship between social capital and leisure participation. The data were collected from residents of Kinmen County, and total 361 residents completed valid questionnaires. Cronbach's α, confirmatory factor analysis and regression analysis were employed to examine hypotheses. Results: (1) social capital had significant positive association with leisure participation; (2) stress had a moderating on the relationship between social capital (multiculturalism) and outdoor recreation; and (3) stress had a moderating effect on the relationship among social capital (value of life), outdoor recreation, and sport activities. This study discovered that Kinmen residents had a high recognition of multiculturalism. The local government should encourage engaging in the research of multicultural to deeply study the unique culture of Kinmen residents because of the high proportion of new immigrants in Kinmen. This study proposes theoretical and managerial implications, and can serve as a guide of both academic research and practical policy development.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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