


The Factor of Decreasing Chinese Group Tourists


董孟修(Meng-Hsiu Tung)


陸客 ; 陸客團減少 ; 內容分析 ; Chinese Tourists ; Decreasing Chinese Group Tourists ; Content Analysis




10卷2期(2017 / 07 / 01)


17 - 40




2016 年出現陸客團來台旅遊人數減少現象,是值得旅遊業關注的問題。先前研究尚未完全地分辨陸客團來台旅遊人數減少的因素為何;本研究深度訪談32 位台灣旅遊從業人員及陸客,目的在探討陸客團來台旅遊人數減少可能因素。訪談內容經過嚴謹的內容分析可歸納出「大陸」與「台灣」二個主要的構面。「大陸」構面包括官方政策(政治操作、減緩發證、減少官方交流、停飛航班、減少補助)、組團旅行社(壟斷、不健全的操作模式、暫緩組團來台、推廣其他地區旅遊)、市場機制(旅遊目的地多、旅遊環境漸成熟、旅遊形態轉變、旅遊族群轉變、親友口碑)等因素;「台灣」構面包含觀光政策(減少普通團配額、提高優質團配額、增加自由行人數、推廣深度旅遊)、地接旅行社(價格競爭、購物問題、旅遊騷擾、缺乏創新行程)、旅遊環境(安全考量、特色吸引力減弱、觀光相關設施不完善、部分台灣民眾不友善)等因素。本研究之研究貢獻為提出相關管理意涵,作為政府規劃觀光政策、輔導旅行業者的及提升旅遊環境之參考。


Decreasing Chinese group tourists is a serious problem to tourism, but previous studies have not completely identified correlative factor. Hence, the purpose of this study is to uncover the correlative factor. In-depth interviews with 32 respondents were conducted. Through content analysis, the author extracted two dimensions of decreasing Chinese group tourists, China-related and Taiwan-related. The China-related dimension involves official policy (political manipulations, decrease travel paper decrease official communication, suspend flight, decrease subsidy), outbound travel agencies (monopoly, unhealthy business practices, suspend tourism group, promote other tourism destinations), and market mechanism (many tourism destinations, mature travel environment, change of tourism form, change of tourism people, word-of-mouth from friends). The Taiwan-related contains tourism policy (decrease general group, increase excellent group, increase independent travel, promote deep travel), inbound travel agencies (price compete, shopping questions, tourism harassment, lacking of creative tour), and travel environment (safe factor, decreasing attraction, tourism infrastructure imperfect, some people unfriendly). Managerial implications are also proposed for government to plan travel policies, assist travel agency and promote travel environments.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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