


Excessive Service toward Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction and Internet Word-of-Mouth of Hai Di Lao Hot Pot Restaurant


朱永蕙(Yung-Hui Chu);劉嘉麒(Chia-Chi Liu)


過度服務 ; 知覺價值 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 網路口碑 ; Excessive Service ; Perceived Value ; Customer Satisfaction ; Internet Word-of-Mouth




11卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 20






Due to the fact that Hai Di Lao Hot Pot Restaurant is one of the most unique case of excessive service in China's service industry, whose uniqueness can be recognized by Harvard Business College case studies, researchers around the world are casting their eyes on this particular case in hope of learning from it. Therefore, purposes of this study are as follows: (1) to investigate the influence of excessive service on customer satisfaction, perceived value, and internet word-of-mouth; (2) to investigate the influences of customer satisfaction and perceived value on internet word-of-mouth. Data has been collected on site and analyzed by factor analysis and regression analysis. Findings are that excessive service has significant influence on customer satisfaction, perceived value, and internet word-of-mouth; however, there is no significant influences of customer satisfaction and perceived value on internet word-of-mouth. Hence, the study suggests as follows: (1) make good use of "Flattery" and "Pretending to be familiar" in term of excessive service; (2) focus on "Emotional Value" and improve "Price Value" as well as "Quality Value." Consequently, Hai Di Lao Hot Pot Restaurant may be able to increase the value of price and quality, and then advance the perceived value, competition and power of internet word-of-mouth.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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