This study development the Teachers' Humor Questionnaire, and then formulated a Teachers' Humor Scale in Chinese. Booth-Butterfield (1991) Teachers' Humor scale was adopted and transferred into Chinese. Maki, Booth-Butterfield and McMullen (2012) found Booth-Butterfield's scale could be done by others and its reliability was .92. Total 118 undergraduates of National Penghu University completed measures of Teachers' Humor during June 4th to June 11th, 2014. Item analyses and exploratory factor analysis were used. Another total 500 undergraduates of National Penghu University completed measures of Teachers' Humor during October to November, 2014. Item analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, goodness-of-Fit, discriminate validity were conducted. The result revealed that the scale fit the data moderately well. To conclude, the Teachers' Humor scale has content validity, reliability and validity.
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