


Applying Structural Equation Model to Customer Satisfaction- A Study of Janfusun Participants on Recreation Expectation and Attractions


許純碩(Chun-Shuo Hsu);許淑婷(Shu-Ting Hsu);吳孟玳(Men-Tai Wu)


行前期望 ; 遊憩吸引力 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 結構方程模式 ; Expectation ; Attraction ; Customer Satisfaction ; Structural Equation Model (SEM)




11卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26






Truism industry is growing and the demands of recreation and leisure have been taken seriously. Tourists have more expectations on the tourism attractions and travel destinations. The purposes of the study were to investigate the relationship among tourist expectation and satisfaction, tourism attraction and customer satisfactions, and main factors of expectation and attractions affect customer satisfaction. The participants of Janfusun Amusement Park were surveyed with questionnaires and data was analyzed by Statistics Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) and LISREL. Structural Equation Model(SEM) was used to verified the assumptions of this study. The results of the study were as followings: expectation and attractions will positively affect customer satisfaction significantly. Attraction is mediator between attractions and customer satisfaction. The main factors of expectation affect attractions and customer satisfactions from strong to weak are promotion, relaxation, convenience, friendship, experience, and interests. The factors of attractions influence customer satisfaction from major to minor are Vicky the Viking, Janfusun Kiddy Land, and Sky Plaza. Over all, the main factors of customer satisfaction are surrounding equipment, services, and facilities. The results can provide practitioners of amusement parks for future plans.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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