Taiwan is rich in tourism resources, cultural and food diversification. For mainland china tourist, Taiwan has an important significance. However, in recent years, the number of mainland china tourist coming to Taiwan has dropped sharply. What has affected their willingness to visit Taiwan? This study uses the herd behavior theory to explore the consumption behavior of netizens from mainland China when they visiting Taiwan. Using the online questionnaire convenient sampling method, A total of 404 valid questionnaires were retrieved and SPSS21 and LISREL852 were used for statistical analysis. The research results show that: 1. Through factors analysis, herd behavior can be divided into normative behavior and information behavior. Tourism image can be divided into environmental friendliness, cultural beauty, food and beverage. Perceived value can be divided into expectation value, delicious food value, and value for money; 2. Cluster analysis based on normative behavior and informational behavior for segmentation variables. It is found that high herd behavior have high tourism image and high perceived values and high behavior intentions; 3. Herd behaviors positively influence tourism images, tourism images positively affect perceived values, behavior intentions, perceived values positively influence behavior intentions, and tourism images play an mediator role between herd behaviors and behavior intentions. Finally, this research can be taken for reference to the strategic promotion of traveling to Taiwan in the future.
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