


Does service delivery enhance visitors' leisure benefits? An empirical analysis of the consumption of museum services


黃仁宗(Jason Huang)


服務品質 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 行為意圖 ; 休閒動機 ; 休閒效益 ; behavioral intentions ; leisure benefits ; satisfaction ; service quality ; perceived value




11卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 38






Museums have traditionally been regarded as educational institutions, but today they are viewed by many as a place for fun and relaxation. Museum experiences have been studied extensively in accordance with service marketing paradigm. However, it is also of interest to know whether or not leisure benefits may be acquired by museum visitors. Therefore, by incorporating both consumption and leisure experiences into a single research model, this study attempts to explore how visitors' motivation and service quality affect satisfaction, perceived value, leisure benefits and behavioral intentions. A total of 424 on-site responses from a survey conducted at the National Museum of Taiwan History were collected and employed in a structural equation model. The collected data were subject to statistical and theoretical analysis, several points emerge as primary conclusions from this investigation. Leisure motivation has been identified in this study as the primary driver to affect visitors' leisure benefits and behavioral intentions. In addition, the museum service quality has also exerted an effect on visitors' leisure benefits. While no significant effect between service quality and satisfaction and leisure benefits were found, correlations can neither be found between leisure benefits and behavioral intentions. Mediation analysis indicates that service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction serve as the mediators between leisure motivation and behavioral intentions. Some managerial and marketing implications for museums are suggested.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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