


The Analysis for Ecosystem Service Function and Value Assessment of Recreation Area: A Case Study of Neidong Old Street and Hot Spring Area


吳守從(Wu, Shou-Tsung)


生態系統服務功能 ; 旅遊成本法 ; 森林遊樂 ; Ecosystem service function ; Travel cost method ; Forest recreation




12卷2期(2019 / 07 / 01)


1 - 24






The purpose of this study is to explore the ecosystem services functions and value in recreation area. The investigated subjects are the travelers who visited the Neidong old street and hot spring area nearby Neidong national forest recreation area. After collecting necessary data via questionnaire survey, the background attributes, visiting behaviors, resource evaluations of the interviewees, as well as their views on forest ecosystem service function are firstly summarized by descriptive statistics. Secondly, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA, were used to investigate the differences of the respondents' background attributes in their cognitions of ecosystem service functions. The Pearson correlation analysis was also used to examine the relationships among resource evaluation, re-visiting intention, and cognition of ecosystem service function. Finally, via Travel Cost Method (TCM) in non-market financial evaluation approach, the author estimates recreation value of the recreation area. The results show that this area is a nice place for one-day trip, but transportation, parking problems, and road maintenance are worthy of attention. However, travelers generally consider that recreation resources in this area are quite valuable, have a high willingness to revisit, and they also have certain degrees of cognition toward forest ecosystem service functions. Therefore, the administrative units of this area should maintain the routine operations for benefiting the community. Although tourists from different background have different perceptions of ecosystem service functions, to the underlying reasons should be further explored. There are some correlations among resource evaluation, revisiting intention, and cognitions toward ecosystem service function. The compensating variation of entire recreation value is NT$1977.23 and the equivalent variation is NT$2018.21. Compared with the relevant research, there is no extreme phenomenon. However, the evaluation of recreation benefit will be affected by many factors, which is worth the attention of follow-up research. In sum, the results of this study did help to understand tourists travel behavior, resource evaluation, and its cognitive status of ecosystem services, and TCM to assess the confirmed it with leisure values in the study area. It could become a reference for related governmental units in making policies or managing.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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