


Critical Success Factors of Agritourism Development on Agricultural Transformation and Promotion- A Case Study from Tien-Kuang, Taitung


蔡進士(Chin-Shih Tsai)


農村產業 ; 產業轉型升級 ; 農村旅遊 ; 關鍵成功因素 ; agriculture ; industrial transformation and promotion ; agritourism ; critical success factors




12卷2期(2019 / 07 / 01)


45 - 69




農村旅遊(agritourism)是一種異於大眾旅遊(mass tourism)的旅遊型態。傳統農村產業轉型升級農村旅遊並非普世概念(universal concept),而是必須檢視其適合發展的情境(contingency)。因此,探索傳統農村產業轉型升級農村旅遊關鍵的成功因素成為本研究的主要目的。本研究採用層級程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP),有效問卷總計為20份。研究結果為:(一)農村的鮮明意象是發展農村旅遊最重要的指標。(二)農村人文構築出最鮮明的農村意象。(三)最熱忱的村民即為農村旅遊發展上實質的領導人。研究建議為:(一)建議農政單位於相關的輔導作為時,應同時兼顧「生產」與「服務」。另一方面,旅行社於安排農村旅遊遊程時,能多與真正從事農事生產的小農合作,確保農村旅遊的品質與農村的永續。(二)建議熱忱投入於農村旅遊的村民,常與外界互動,特別是相關專業論壇的參與,如此熱忱加上專業,才能確保農村旅遊的推動走向永續之路。


Agritourism is different from the type of mass tourism. Agritourism is not a universal concept for agricultural transformation and promotion, and it must examine whether the contingency is suitable or not. Therefore, exploring critical success factors of agritourism development on agricultural transformation and promotion has become the main purpose in this study. This study used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze 20 valid expert questionnaires. The main study findings are as follows: (1) The image of rural village is the most important indicator for agritourism development. (2) Rural humanities construct the most obvious rural image. (3) The most enthusiastic villagers are the real leaders on the agritourism development. The suggestions are as follows: (1) It is suggested that the agricultural authorities should take into account both "production" and "service" in the context of relevant counselling. On the other hand, the travel agency can cooperate with farmers who are really engaged in farming production to ensure the quality of agritourism and the sustainability of rural village. (2) It is suggested that villagers who are engaged in agritourism can often participate in relevant professional forums for sustainable management of agritourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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