


Discussing revisiting intention the sports industry with the index model of European overall customers


吳雪鶯(Hsueh-Ying Wu);邱棋鴻(Chi-Hung Chiu)


專業知能 ; 服務品質 ; 品牌形象 ; 再訪意願 ; Professional knowledge ; Service quality ; Brand image ; revisiting intention




12卷3期(2019 / 09 / 01)


71 - 92






Purpose: With the development of social economy, people who participate in various sports and leisure activities are becoming increasingly active. The demands of the sport activities have increased with each passing day. The purpose of this study mainly aimed to explore the correlations of customer satisfaction and revisiting intention which is relevant to the brand image of fitness club, the quality of service, and the professional knowledge and skills for the personal trainers. Method: From July to September of 2017, the questionnaire survey was conducted on customers in certain areas of Taiwan in the gym. Questionnaires were distributed to 480 participants and a total of 411 valid questionnaires were collected with a validation rebate of 86% in the gym. This research is targeted on using the structural equation model to explore the influence of brand image, service quality, professional knowledge and skills on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention in the gym. Results: The research results illustrates that it is positive influences about customers satisfaction in service quality of sports industry、professional knowledge of personal coaches and revisit willingness of client, and also has indirect effects between service quality and professional knowledge of personal coaches. Conclusion: The customer satisfaction was affected by which is not only the service quality but also the professional knowledge skills of the instructors. Besides, the revisiting intention of the customer seems to be also affected by the customer satisfaction. Therefore, some suggestions have to be made for the fitness center managers such as providing club members better serving quality than before, optimizing the fitness facility, giving diversified fitness courses for members to choose, and improving the professional competency of coaches base on their knowledge and skills. In addition, collecting the current information at any time about the health for the members, and providing them the guidelines by how to use the fitness equipment and required services. In order to increase the degree of customer satisfaction, the most important thing members who care the most is to trust the serving quality of the fitness center, the brand image, and the professional knowledge and skills for the fitness instructors which provided by the health clubs. Then, it could enhance the willingness the members to visit the fitness center again. Those commendations could be brought up more funds and profits to the enterprise as they are expected.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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