


The Influence of Positive Emotion, Perceived Value, Event Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: The Moderating Effects of WOM


蔡玲瓏(Ling-Long Tsai)


重遊意願 ; 知覺價值 ; 活動滿意度 ; 正向情緒 ; 口碑傳播 ; Revisit Intention ; Perceived value ; Event satisfaction ; Positive emotion ; WOM




13卷1期(2020 / 11 / 01)


87 - 121




過去關於重遊意願之研究,較少探討遊客的情緒對於重遊意願的作用,本研究之目的以遊客在活動現場所引發的情緒,是否與其重遊意願有所關聯,並釐清正向情緒、知覺價值、活動滿意度與重遊意願間的影響關係。本研究以參加熱帶農業博覽會之遊客為對象,採現場發放問卷方式執行調查,共獲取有效問卷361份,以SMART PLS3.0進行結構模型分析。研究架構驗證結果顯示,正向情緒對於活動滿意度、知覺價值與重遊意願有正向顯著之影響,知覺價值對於活動滿意度與重遊意願有正向顯著之影響;而活動滿意度對重遊意願亦有正向顯著之影響。在調節效果方面,則檢驗口碑傳播對於前因變項與重遊意願是否存在調節作用。結果顯示,口碑傳播在知覺價值與重遊意願的影響上,具有負向之調節關係,低口碑傳播者較會受到知覺價值的影響而產生重遊意願。口碑傳播對於活動滿意度與重遊意願的影響,亦存在負向之調節關係,低口碑傳播者較會受到活動滿意度的影響而產生重遊意願。依據本研究之結論建議活動主辦單位:(一)強化活動實體環境與遊客體驗設計(二)提升遊客活動之知覺價值而增加其滿意度(三)依目標對象選擇活動的整合行銷溝通方式。


Little previous examined the effect of tourists' emotions on their revisit intention. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the tourists' emotions at the event are related to their revisit intention, and to clarify the relationship of positive emotions, perceived value, event satisfaction and revisit intention. In this study, 361 valid samples were collected from visitors participating the tropical agricultural expo by means of onsite questionnaires, and the structural model was analyzed by SMART PLS3.0. The empirical results of structural model showed that, positive emotions has significant positive effects on event satisfaction, perceived value and revisit intention, while perceived value has significant positive effects on event satisfaction and revisit intention. Event satisfaction also has a significant positive effect on revisit intention. In terms of the moderating effect, WOM was tested to examine the moderating effect on antecedents and revisit intention. The results showed that, there is a negative moderating relationship between perceived value and revisit intention in WOM, and those with low WOM intention are more likely to have revisit intention under the influence of perceived value. The effect of WOM on event satisfaction and revisit intention was negatively moderated, and those with low WOM intention are more likely to be affected by event satisfaction and revisit intention. According to the results suggests that, the event organizer should (1) strengthen the physical environment of the event and redesign the program to improve visitors' experience; (2) enhance the perceived value of the event to increase the satisfaction of the visitors; (3) based on the target of the events, adjust different methods of integrated marketing communication to carter different visitors.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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