


A study on the behavioral intention of tourists participating in forest recreation tourism - A case of Zijinshan National Forest Park


唐繼雯(Ji-Wen Tang);劉馥瑤(Fu-Yao Liu)


森林康養 ; 行為意向 ; 計畫行為理論 ; Forest recreation tourism ; Behavioral Intention ; Theory of Planned Behavior




14卷1期(2021 / 12 / 01)


93 - 117






Forest recreation is based on the forest environment as the resource condition, health care as the important content, and has the goals of improving sub-health factors and preventing chronic diseases through the microclimate of the forest, thus, it is a tourism model that integrates industries across borders. This paper took Nanjing Zijin Mountain National Forest Park as the research area, where the purposes were to explore whether tourists' attitudes, subjective norms, and cognitive behavior control during forest recreation tourism have an impact on their behavioral intentions, and to propose appropriate suggestions for promoting the healthy development of the forest recreation tourism industry. The questionnaire survey method was used for data collection, and a total of 401 questionnaires were distributed. Descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, and regression analysis were conducted by SPSS. This study found that behavior attitudes, subjective norms, and cognitive behavior control all have positive impact on tourists' behavioral intention to participate in forest recreation tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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