


The Brand Effect of Listed Travel Agencies under the COVID-19


李奇樺(Chi-Hua Li);陳靜華(Ching-Hua Chen)


旅行社上市(櫃) ; 品牌涉入 ; 品牌形象 ; 品牌信任 ; 購買意願 ; listed travel agency ; brand involvement ; brand image ; brand trust ; buying intention




14卷3期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22






Nowadays, the type of travel has changed, and the ability of tourists to plan their own journeys has been improved. They can go abroad without relying on participating in group tours. Coupled with the impact of the COVID-19, the travel industry has faced an unprecedentedly difficult environment. Travel industry began to seek ways to ensure that its customer base, in addition to enhancing staff expertise and improve service attitude, pay more attention through brand building, to enhance the consumers' trust. In recent years, Taiwan has recently set off a wave of the listed company in the large travel industry; the listed travel industry has become a new topic operated. Because listed companies imply endorsement Stock Exchange, virtually enhance brand image, easier to obtain consumer trust and recognition. In this study, the listed travel agency as one of the important indicators to assess the brand image and brand trust. And brand trust would affect the customer's willingness to buy. The brand can be inferred that the product in the minds of customers on behalf of travel agent's appearance. Brand trust is the trusts of consumers who are willing to take the initiative industry but also affect consumers' willingness to buy. Consumer involvement has a moderation effect on brand trust. Finally, from the results to make specific recommendations and look forward to the help scholars to carry out related research in the future. Let travel agencies to develop branding strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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