


A Study of Leisure Needs and Leisure Constraints of Moving Functional Limitation in Water Activities:A Case Study of the Penghu


何詩婷(Shi-Ting He);李明儒(Ming-Ju Lee)


肢體障礙者 ; 水域活動 ; 休閒阻礙 ; 休閒需求 ; 澎湖 ; Moving Functional Limitation ; Water activities ; Leisure constraints ; Leisure needs ; Penghu




14卷3期(2023 / 06 / 01)


70 - 91






In recent years, the rights and interests of people with disabilities have been paid more and more attention by the government. They can relieve stress through leisure and recreation. Barrier-free tourism is a very important issue for people with physical and mental disabilities, and a truly barrier-free environment can improve the quality of life for people with mobility impairments. Penghu is a famous island tourism destination in Taiwan, especially water activities are more popular, but for some people with disabilities, they are unable to participate in the experience, and some local operators in Penghu want to actively develop and provide water recreation opportunities for people with physical and mental disabilities. The purpose of the study is to investigate what kind of barriers people with physical disabilities encounter when engaging in water activities, how to improve them, or if there are professionals who can help when engaging in water activities; whether people with physical disabilities have increased their willingness to participate in water activities, or have other opinions, etc. This study used in-depth interviews to collect data from the respondents according to their wishes, time, and location, and was conducted on a one-to-one basis from November 12, 2007 to January 15, 2008. The results of the study revealed that the barriers for people with physical disabilities to engage in water activities include the degree of impairment, transportation, financial ability, their own physical strength, peer partners, and the barrier-free design of the activity area, which affect the willingness to participate; for the operators, many of them have experience in hosting people with physical disabilities, and are willing to provide friendly services and guidance for the activity program.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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