
結合QR code的食品成分監控App之設計與使用




食品成份 ; 行動裝置 ; QR code ; food ingredients ; QRFIM ; Mobile device ; Mobile App




28期(2013 / 07 / 13)


49 - 60




國民營養知識與健康意識的提昇,帶動人們對於食品健康的重視,食品營養標示是消費者控制食品成份攝取量的依據,不過,食品包裝上的營養標示字型小、可讀性差、格式未統一,消費者不易取得標示的成份,此外,還欠缺一套實用的管控工具,使得食品營養標示無法發揮實質效用。QRcode具備多樣化的應用,更可以與行動裝置完美的結合,本文探討以QR code存放食品營養標示,再透過行動App解譯,消費者食用食品前,可以快速且完整取得以QR code標示的食品成份,用以控制食品成份的攝取量。為了協助特定人士食品成份的檢視、追蹤與管控,本文設計且實作一套結合QR code的食品成份監控(QRFIM)App,透過普及率極高的行動裝置,協助民眾檢視、追蹤與監控食品攝取的健康與營養,為民眾食用的健康進行把關。


Increasing of national people nutrition knowledge and health consciousness, led to people concern to food health. However, Food nutrition label provides the contents with unclear and very small font. The consumer is not easy to get the contents of food nutrition for controlling nutrition intake. This paper discusses the QR code storage of food nutrition contents. Through the mobile App QR code interpretation, people can quickly get QR code food nutrition contents to control food intake. And, app can analyze and statistic short, medium and long-term the intake of food nutrition contents, assist customer to review, tracking and control the food intake. QR code used many years in Japan. Mobile devices via the camera QR code decoder makes the user can directly connected to the network, phone call or send SMS, goods to buy, browse or contact. However, the QR code applications lack of health life combination, in The paper design and implement a combination of the QR code Food Ingredients Monitor (QRFIM) App. Using the mobile devices of high penetration rate, assist people to view, track, and monitor the health and nutrition of food intake, to increase food health for people.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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