
BS 10012導入經驗之研究-以淡江大學為例




BS 10012 ; 個人資料保護法 ; 個人資料管理制度(PIMS) ; BS 10012 ; Personal information protection act ; Personal information management system




33期(2016 / 01 / 30)


52 - 72




淡江大學2012 年10 月全校導入BS 10012 個人資料管理制度( PIMS),並於2013 年12 月順利通過驗證。本研究以淡江為個案研究之對象,發放問卷並整理出導入制度事前、事中及事後之經驗,及導入前後之比較,並與專家訪談,整理出淡江順利取得BS 10012 驗證通過之關鍵及提出建議。研究發現,導入的過程中,教育訓練是貢獻最大的資源;導入後,個人資料管理制度運作良好且組織仍持續改善制度;導入制度的前後比較,發現在校內跨單位索取個資較導入前困難,但各單位都會持續追蹤第三方如何使用個資。順利取得驗證的關鍵有:上級長官的支持、個人資料管理委員會的規劃與推動、推動單位的熱誠。


BS 10012, a Personal Information Management System ( PIMS), was introduced into Tamkang University in 2012 and was certified in 2013. As TKU being the target of our study, we send questionnaire to faculty and collect the experience during system was introduced, while comparing the influence before and after the introduction. Furthermore, we interview experts in the field and finally we conclude the key to the success of the introduction and provide suggestion. It is found that educational training contributes most of the resources during the process and PIMS operates well while being improved by the organization. After the implementation, faculty becomes more adept at using and tracking personal information, but it is more difficulty to get the personal information to another office. There are several keys to the success, including the support from the superior officers, the planning and promoting of the Committee of Personal Information and the enthusiasm of the promotion unit.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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