


The Influence of AI on Industry-Embrace the Artificial Intelligence, Win the tendency


許淑媛(Cadalina Hsu)


人工智慧 ; 產業 ; 法律議題 ; 法律機器人 ; 法律檢索 ; Artificial intelligence ; Industry ; Legal issues ; Law robot ; Legal research




41期(2020 / 02 / 25)


4 - 20






Nowadays, AI (Artificial Intelligence) has its benefits and threats. Understanding and learning the usage of it is an important issue. This study has focused on the various industries because of the rapid change in the world. In this study, AI's history and overview to increase the understanding of AI, then analysis of the challenges and risks is conducted in order to maximize benefits. All of the studies have been shown that AI is still in its early stage, even though it has been developing for a long time, it still cannot meet up with the standard. Therefore, it is still worthwhile looking into AI's direction in the future. The contribution of this study is to demonstrate the concept of how industries have been affected by AI, and some legal issues to resolve, so that researchers can understand that people have no fear of AI and knowing how people can improve from which aspect in the future.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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