


On the Study of AI, Electronic Surveillance-Take U.S.A. Labor Law as an Example


許淑媛(Cadalina Hsu)


人工智慧 ; 電子監控 ; 電子網路 ; 員工隱私權 ; AI ; Electronic surveillance ; Internet ; Worker privacy




44期(2021 / 08 / 31)


11 - 27






Employers and others who hire or engage workers to perform services use a dizzying array of electronic mechanisms to make personnel decisions about hiring, employee evaluation, compensation, discipline, and retention. These electronic mechanisms include electronic trackers, surveillance cameras, metabolism monitors, wearable biological measuring devices, and implantable technology. These tools enable employers to record their workers' every movement, listen to their words, measure the minutes of performance evaluation, and detect oppositional organizing activities. The data collected is transformed by means of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms into a permanent electronic resume that can identify and predict an individual's performance as well as their professional ethics, personality, union proclivity, employer loyalty, and future health care costs. The electronic resume produced by AI will accompany workers from job to job as they surround the boundless workplace in the cyber space. Thus, AI and electronic monitoring produce an invisible internetthat invade worker privacy as well as deter unionization, enabling subtle forms of employer blackballing, exacerbating employment discrimination. With these demerits, unions become ineffective and obliterate the protections of the labor laws. This article describes the many ways AI is being used in the workplace and how its use is transforming the practices of hiring, evaluating, compensating, controlling, and dismissing workers. It then focuses on four fields of law in which AI threatens to undermine worker protections:Anti-discrimination law, privacy law, antitrust law and labor law. Finally, this article maps out an agenda for future law reform and research.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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