


A Study on Mobile App Security Risk Assessment and Preventive Measures




行動App ; 安全事證 ; MASRA ; 防範措施 ; 行動裝置 ; Mobile App ; Security certificate ; MASRA ; Preventive measures ; Mobile devices




44期(2021 / 08 / 31)


28 - 42






Information and network technologies are growing rapidly, and various network application environments are popularized and integrated into people's daily lives. Through mobile apps, interaction, communication, payment, and transactions can be achieved. With the convenience of mobile devices, mobile apps have become a necessary tool for network applications. Mobile apps can be divided into three types according to applications: purely functional, with authentication function and connection behavior, with financial transaction function, etc. All types of mobile apps are easy to get. People can download, install and use on multiple mobile devices as long as you provide relevant information. However, more than 4000 mobile phones are poisoned or hacked every day in Taiwan, and severe cases may cause personal information leakage and financial losses. In order to reduce the security risks caused by the use of mobile apps, this paper collects various information about the apps. Based on the security evidence of the mobile apps, designs a Mobile Apps Security Risk Assessment (MASRA) procedures to assess the security risks of the apps in a timely manner and effectively assist the people to select high-security apps. MASRA can also promptly remind the people to take security precautions to protect the privacy of personal information and property security and to avoid the leakage of sensitive information and financial losses.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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