


Benefits of RPA in Tax Treatment Process


黃劭彥(Shaio Yan Huang);邱安安(An-An Chiu);楊玉婷(Yu Ting Yang)


流程機器人 ; 稅務處理 ; 虛擬勞動力 ; 人機合作 ; Robotic Process Automation ; Tax Treatment Processing ; Virtual Labor ; Human and Robot Cooperation




45期(2022 / 02 / 25)


4 - 18




在工業4.0的浪潮之下,加速了產業數位化及智慧化之關鍵技術發展;過去自動化所強調節省人力及成本,如今已無法滿足數位科技下各產業之需求。取而代之的是如何運用數位科技新技術,透過人機共同合作之模式,強化產業競爭力並引進流程自動化管理技術,加速產業數位轉型升級,提升人員更高之工作價值、工作效率、品質、產能與速度等。面對產業環境的改變,全球人口少子化及高齡化衝擊、疫情病毒傳染、、、等因素;造成勞動人口急速下降減少,對於高度勞力密集與高度專業知識密集之會計服務產業,影響甚鉅,如何能夠善用工業4.0的核心技術-如:虛擬流程機器人、大數據分析、雲端技術、智能系統、、、等新技術,以調整最佳化之作業流程,提升產業之工作效率,降低外在環境對會計服務產業所帶來之衝擊,已是迫在眉睫之議題。本文將以如何利用流程機器人、AI 人工智慧、OCR光學辨識、文字探勘、大數據分析等新技術,運用在會計服務業有關稅務處理流程作業中,提升有關稅務及帳務處理之工作效益,開發導入記帳及報稅RPA,進行分析與說明。


The trend of Industry 4. 0 has accelerated the key technology development of industrial digitalization and intelligence. The automation, which can save manpower and costs, is no longer able to meet the needs of industries under digital technology. Instead, how to use the digital technology, through the model of human-machine cooperation, how to strengthen the industrial competitiveness and the automation management technology, how to accelerate the digital transformation and upgrade the industry, and how to improve the work value, efficiency, quality, capacity and speed of personnel become the critical issues. The changes in the industrial environment and the impact of the global low fertility rate and aging problems, epidemic virus transmission which causes a rapid decline in the labor force all affect the highly labor-intensive and professional knowledge-intensive accounting services industry enormously. How to make utilize the core Industry 4. 0 technology such as virtual process robots, big data analysis, cloud technology, intelligent systems, and other new technologies to adjust the optimized operating process, improve the efficiency of the industry, reduce the impact of the external environment on the accounting services industry become an urgent issue. This paper discusses how to use process robot, AI artificial intelligence, OCR optical recognition, text exploration, big data analysis and other new technologies which can be applied in the accounting services and tax processing operations to improve the work efficiency of tax and accounting processing, the development of import accounting and tax RPA, analysis, and explanation.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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