


A Study on Optimal Assignment of Multi-Skilled Workers for the TFT-LCD Industry


黃宇翔(Yeu-Shiang Huang);黃鐘錡(Chong-Chi Huang)


彩色濾光片 ; 多能工 ; 指派問題 ; 層級分析法 ; 整數規劃 ; Color Filter ; Multi-Skilled Workers ; Assignment Problem ; AHP ; Integer Programming




2卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


141 - 159




彩色濾光片(Color Filter; CF)屬於薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器TFT-LCD(Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display)產業中的前段製程,亦是其關鍵零組件之一,其賦予TFT-LCD的色彩,也豐富了觀賞者的視野。而CF廠的檢測區是確保完成製程的CF玻璃可以以符合客戶要求規格出貨的關鍵作業區域,堪稱是CF最後一道品質的防線;相異於製程區,是在現今的CF工廠中較無法自動化,作業屬性屬於偏向於勞力密集之性質。本研究為一指派問題,將以工廠內調度員之角度為出發點,彙集現行調度員於進行技術員指派決策時考量因素之專家意見,找出本研究欲建立之指派模式所需考量之重要構面準則,藉以減低指派決策時所考量構面之差異,根據觀察分析所得之影響因素,運用多準則決策分析方法之層級分析法彙整出決定指派調度之構面準則之重要程度,並據此建構整數規劃模式以求解技術員最適指派,透過如此之改善,確實可大幅縮短調度員指派決策時間,並精確、快速的以現場工作及人力的狀況,作出最適當的調度,讓現場以有限的資源,能夠有效提昇現場之良率以及產出;並可提供作為相關業界做為作業人員指派時之參考工具。


Color filter (CF) is a critical component as well as a preceding process in the fabrication of TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display), which provides the color source in the flat panel display and enriches the sight of the viewers. The final inspection operation in CF shops ensures the proper quality level of finished CF products. This inspection is essential for the ongoing follow-up of quality assessment. The CF inspection process is highly labor intensive and, unlike the automatic handling system in CF operating processes, has no practical solution in automation so far. This paper presents a possible improvement in the assignment of multi-skilled workers on a CF shop floor. The front-line supervisors' experiences and opinions about the attributes of current multi-skilled workers were taken into consideration and collected to assist in determining the essential aspects of assignment. The objective of this study was to improve the efficiency and quality of multi-skilled workers' assignments and, thus, enhance the production effectiveness. The proposed model was validated on the shop floor. The model actually outperformed the original approach both in throughput and yield improvement.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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