


The Moderating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Trust on Knowledge Management Systems Success


洪新原(Shin-Yuan Hung);吳祥麟(Hsiang-Lin Wu);黃耀慶(Yao-Ching Huang)


知識管理系統 ; 資訊系統成功 ; 自我效能 ; 對於知識貢獻者之信任 ; Knowledge Management Systems ; Information Systems Success ; Self-Efficacy ; Trust on Knowledge Contributors




3卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


101 - 124




在這競爭激烈的環境中,知識在企業當中所扮演的角色是越來越重要。近幾年,許多大企業普遍採用知識管理系統,來幫助企業提升競爭力,因此許多學者紛紛投入研究影響知識管理系統成功的因素。然而在探討知識管理系統成功因素的同時,使用者個人的因素常被忽略。當使用者面對相同的知識管理系統時,常因個人因素的影響,而有不同的使用意圖及滿意度。因此,本研究目的是要去了解使用者個人的因素中,二個重要的因素,即自我效能與對於知識貢獻者之信任,對於知識管理系統成功的調節效果。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以有使用過知識管理系統的12家企業員工為對象,共發出320份問卷,回收161份,經剔除16份無效問卷後,實際有效樣本數為145份,有效樣本回收率為45.3%。研究結果顯示知識品質、系統品質以及服務品質皆會顯著的影響使用者對於知識管理系統的使用意圖,而知識品質與服務品質也會顯著影響使用者滿意度。除此之外,自我效能與對於知識貢獻者之信任同樣地皆會調節系統品質對於使用意圖與使用者滿意度之間的影響,並且對於知識貢獻者之信任也會顯著調節服務品質對於使用意圖之間的關係。


Knowledge plays an important role in the highly competitive business environment. In recent years, business widely adopted the knowledge management systems (KMS). Hence, it is crucial to understand what factors influence the KMS success. There were a lot of studies conducted to explore the way to the KMS success. However, personal factors were ignored among the related studies. Different personal factors may lead to different degrees of intention to use and satisfaction on KMS with the same KMS. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effects of two important personal factors, self-efficacy and trust on knowledge contributors, on KMS success. A survey was conducted and the questionnaires were sent to 320 employees with experience on using KMS in twelve organizations. One hundred and sixty one were returned. Sixteen of them were excluded. Thus, 145 effective respondents remained, showing a 45.3% response rate. The results indicate that knowledge quality, system quality and service quality significantly influence intention to use KMS. Also, knowledge quality and service quality significantly influence user satisfaction. Additionally, self-efficacy and trust on knowledge contributors moderate the relationships between system quality and intention to use and system quality and user satisfaction respectively. Finally, trust on knowledge contributors moderates the relationship between service quality and intention to use.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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